Sunday, August 26, 2012

Endings, A Metaphor

As an avid reader, I have found that with finishing a book I  feel both a sense of accomplishment and a bit of dissapiontment that the journey is over. Yes, I am proud to have finnished and relieved that I know the outcome of all the events in the story, but I  am also sad that there are no more twists and turns or adventures to go on. I am sad that just as I got used to the pace of the book and felt like I was really getting to know the characters, that the story ended and we had to part ways.
This is how I feel ENTERING my freshman year after having left middle school. I moved during the year but continued to go to my old school untill I culminated. My friends all started school on the 14 of August, going with groups of friends to new schools. I start on Monday. Of course, we all split up ... some going here, others there, but many were going to highschool with a few kids they knew and were going to be able to keep in touch easily with all the people they knew from middle school. When I had just felt like I was really getting to know the cast of characters that sourounded me in middle school, I had to leave them; not only for highschool but in the fact that I now live 30 minuets away. It may not seam like a lot, but it is an hour round trip to commit to and its out of the way for most people. It hurts, when you finnish a book and there is no sequel and you are left wondering at the end : what happend next? I understand that sometimes it is left up to the reader to decide, but what should the reader think? is it the job of the reader to simply think that everything will be dandy and quant and be just fine? What if it's not all right? What if everything goes wrong and the main character that as a reader, you came to connect with, has a tragic end that you don't know about. What if they are all alone?
I guess that this is all just a metaphore that Unlike a book, there is no ending untill you leave this earth. Endings and beginings meld into one another and, of course, unlike a book, you can't know all of the twists and turns that your life will take. You have to live them, moment by moment. I am proud that I finished middle school, but I am dissapionted that I have to leave my comfort zone and enter a school in which I know absolutly nobody. I am sad that I don't know the ending of my story yet and I guess, like plunging into a new book, I am a tad nervous and daunted at what I will find.

Okay, more than a tad.

1 comment:

  1. Really great blog Yani! It is really interesting to see how these concepts are...understood by a freshman.
